Thursday, 25 April 2013


In 2012, Loreen from Sweden won the Eurovision Song Contest with the song 'Euphoria'.

As a trainer for the Special Olympics cycling programme, I burst with pride when I see how cycling has transformed the lives of my trainees – changing attitudes, giving hopes and dreams and allowing them to experience their achievements no matter how big or small.

Jubel was one of my trainees. He was asked to write a poem at college and he chose to write about his Special Olympics cycling, clearly showing how significant it was in his life. His words express how special the Special Olympics was to him better than mine will ever do. Cycling was his 'Euphoria'.

Poem written by Jubel (Bikeworks Special Olympic Cycling Trainee)

Nice and stylist comfy

Traycycle and recumbent
I go every week
No pain, more gain
more pain, more
gain. I ride with
traycycle and 
recumbent, I pedal
speed of 80 per miles.
With cool air in 
My face, cool breeze
in my face with
blue sky in the 
sky, left and right
green grass with
big tree with
The green leafs
As if they 
imaginary tree people
cheering me
“Go J go FASTER”
I too fast too speedy.
Last year 1st time 
I came in Timelap
I did it in 4 mins 24 secs.
I was proud of it, more
Competitions coming up 
This year I hope I come first
I train with 
experience trainer
she encourages
Trains me up.
Teaches me.
New skills.
I pedal with
my speedy
legs.  I go
FAST and do
skills.  Why I
I do skills. 
People see me
they give me
sweet smile.
I smile back at Them.
After I ride
I get happy,
I keep mind 
condition. I keep
fit, stay calm.
I feel my 
troubles melt away.
I keep smiling. 1 day
My dream is to 
cycle in the Olympics
win gold medal. On the
V.I.P. seat. My support workers,
doctor, Mates and Family, my dream lady
Cheer Me, Support Me
All The Way To Finish!

If you loved this poem, please donate to this Eurovision ride and help transform the lives of people with intellectual disabilities. Thank you.

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