Monday, 6 May 2013


I've never been one to feel sorry for myself for too long – quite frankly there are worse things that can happen. Having to cut short a cycling trip of a lifetime was gutting, but I made it on a sunny day in Harlingen. This meant one thing. I was going to treat myself to the biggest plate of pofferjtes you've ever seen.

I received so many supportive messages from friends and family who all helped me see how far I had come. Even though I hadn't reached my final destination, I had still achieved much of what I had set out to do. Together with Siobhan, we had trained for over 4 months to prepare us for the journey, cycling through the worst winter in memory and probably cycling 800 miles in that process. Together with my friend and 'ambassador' Jude, I have raised (including Gift Aid) £2843.75 for charity. Thank you to absolutely everyone who 'Believed in Me' and donated. But most importantly, I really hope that I raised awareness for a charity that I believe in – Special Olympics GB.

Within the messages that I received, was one from my friend Andy. He told me that after reading my little blog it had inspired him to get back on a bicycle after 30 years. It is true what they say, you never forget how to ride. Thanks Andy for sharing that with me, it brightened my day.

Even though my trip was short-lived, it re-inforced the fact that I have great friends and that we are surrounded on the whole by kind people who really want to help you. The Dutch excelled themselves on that front, as you all did. Thank you so much!

But most importantly, the motto for Special Olympics rings so true for me today. 'Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me brave in the attempt.' I might not have won the dream, but I had a jolly good go at it! And let's face it, the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark aren't going anywhere. It's just a great excuse to come back and try again, although maybe in bite-size chunks! Mum – breathe out.

If you would still like to donate, please click here. A poorly knee and battered pride are surely worth a few quid!

And as this was a cycle to Eurovision, I think it's only right to sign off with Switzerland's entry from 2012 – 'Unbreakable'. I dedicate this to everyone, but particularly my Special Olympic athletes.

'You can do anything you want, doesn't matter how hard it is. You can do it . . .
Swim against the stream, following your wildest dreams. . .

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